Monday, August 14, 2006

Ch. 8: Kids!

Wow, it has been a -while-, hasn't it? I've been really busy offline, plus I also started the Prosperity challenge (yikes!).

Without further ado, let's jump right back into the story of the Elune Legacy! Derrick & Lauren's twins, Maribel & Luxe, grew up into school-aged children. They grew up very well, thanks to their mother's dedication.

Despite slight personality differences, Mari (as the family often calls her) & Luxe grew to be very best friends.

"Do you think we'll get bored with this game like we did playing red hands with Mom?" Luxe asks her sister.
"Maybe, but I don't think Dad is going to buy us another game until we're good at this."
"Oh yeah. He says playing this will get us school-ships. Buy why would our school need ships? It's not close the beach or anything."
"I don't think they are ships. I think they are bags of money. Didn't you hear Dad talking about them a couple of days ago? Let's just ask him to explain again when he has a day off."

They did understand the purpose of scholarships soon after that conversation, and they worked hard enough to have a good chance at getting said scholarships. Neither of the twins liked elementary school all that much, but their mom's enthusiasm about teaching them made studying a little less painful. Mari & Luxe soon excelled in all of their school subjects.

Lauren must have a natural talent for teaching, for the twins maintained their A+ averages quite easily.

Derrick kept busy climbing the career ladder. As much as he'd love to make time for his daughters, he was usually only home after the girls had already gone to bed.

"I think my next promotion is going to come sooner than later. I've managed to catch up with the classes I skipped last semester, Lauren! I might earn my M.D. during the next few months, after all! Finally, after all that school is over, I'll have more time for the girls."

Lauren was very happy and hopeful to hear this news. She thought, "That's wonderful, especially since I think I'm pregnant again..." but her mouth was too full of grilled cheese to speak.

Lauren was indeed pregnant with baby no. 3. The whole family was very excited about her pregnancy. Unfortunately, there aren't many pictures from this time period. Lauren gave birth to another beautiful baby girl who was named Keisha Elune.

Only a few minutes after Lauren had the new baby, the phone rang & Derrick answered it. There was a lot of static on the other end of the line. "Congratulations on the new child," Derrick heard an almost undecipherable voice say. He was not sure if he had heard correctly, for this was indeed a very puzzling call. "Huh? Who is this?! I think you've got the wrong number..." The caller hung up.

"Derrick, come introduce yourself to your daughter before I feed her! Look at her, she seems so hungry."

Derrick quickly hung up the phone and turned his undivided attention to his wife & child. The mysterious call just as quickly escaped his mind.


At 12:46 AM, Blogger j00ky said...

Yay! Welcome back Elune's! :D Great to see the twins good at school and a new addition to the family!

Hmm, now just who is that mysterious caller? is is someone previously mentioned?? Ohh the drama is building up!

At 6:56 PM, Blogger suzie sim said...

oh - the girls are so cute playing chess together - "school schips" LOL! congrats on the new baby & good luck on the promotion! I hope they can soon afford more than just the one kitchen chair! ;)

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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